The First Major Update!

Big Update!

  1. Hello, and long time no see.  As promised in the last devlog, I have released a "Hint" button for those who need some help with their answer, and are willing to give up some points. When used, the button will take 6 points away from the player, and give them the first 5 letters of a random word they could use. In addition to this, all the hints you were given throughout the game will be revealed once the timer runs out. Although it should be noted it will not tell you the letter or category associated with that hint, as a way to maintain a level of difficulty.
  2. The login screen is more obvious on how to use it, as I realized it must get annoying entering all your details, pressing "Register" and it opens a new panel. So the login and register buttons no longer blend together, and it is a bit more obvious you must first press "Register" and then enter in your details.
  3. Categories and letters are a bit more... random, as to not get repetitive too quickly. 
  4. The timer has been increased to 60 seconds! As there is no more Game Jam, I am turning this into its own full game. 

Glitch Fixes

  1. When playing the game, and go to change login, the timer will reset but points do not. This is now fixed.

Files Play in browser
Feb 13, 2023

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